"There are clothes I want to wear!" Chapter 13 - Rain and Lolita

Disclaimer: This is a not-for-profit fan translation, made by a lolita, for lolitas. The original work belongs to it's authors and publishers, not to me.


  1. I loved this so much!I hope you continue translating it!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed!
      I may or may not continue, the raws are hard to get right now, and there are other projects I might take on. Scanlating manga alone is a challenge; the bulk of the translation took ~20min, but cleaning and typesetting took hours! When I posted this there was a group that said they had most of the chapters and were just waiting for the physical release to get Ch. 1&2. Sadly I don't have a website or any information on that release...

      Thanks for reading!

    2. I cried even at such a short snippet lol. This is so cute! I hope there's more!


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